Presentation of the Seminar for Public Speaking and Narration.

Presentation of the Seminar for Public Speaking and Narration. We spoke at the Athenaeum. Tuesday day 11 October at 18:00h at the Ateneo de Cáceres. Free entrance.

Ros Ribas's photo. Maruchi León in Frank V directed by Mario Gas

“Demosthenes trained with Satyrus, Cicero trained with the great comedian Roscio and the great tragic Aesop.. The art of speaking has always been closely linked to the art of the actor, who, in fact, has been the great inspirer of the word”

Concha Doñaque. Professor in Speech and Diction and my teacher.

Voices for Maruchi from the Professional Oratory Course. the power of your voice.

There is no better letter of introduction for a course than the work and opinion of the students.
In this case students, Well they were all women, of very different ages ranging from 20 to the 70.
Fourteen beautiful and brave women who wanted to leave this wonderful testimony.
Professional Public Speaking Course. the power of your voice.
Carried out during the months of June and July, at the Chamber of Commerce of Cáceres, in a training program 120 hours with European funds.

This video has been created by India Vera, one of my students. Here you can listen to an exceptional work done for radio with children. Marvelous!

III Edition of Public Speaking in Ateneo

stage presence, organicidad, viveza discursiva, entonación, intención, miedo escénico, lenguaje corporal. The art of convincing and enthusing others through the right words, through a suitably structured speech with appropriate intonation and clear diction, es algo que se puede aprender. A presence…

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